On 04.10.2006 Barbara Touburg wrote:
My earlier problem was caused by Update Layout not working. Would anyone please 
be so kind to download my file (http://tinyurl.com/n2wqs), update the layout 
from page 1 and sending it back to me? I'll be working in scroll view from now 
(back to the middele ages) and in the mean time try to find a solution. Maybe 
I'll have to reinstall Finale, who knows.


can you check the following:

In the Program Options, "Edit", in the "Update Layout" part of the window, the settings should be:

Reflow Measures: Across Systems (Maintain System Locks)
Reflow Systems Across Pages (active)
Automatic Update Layout (active)

If any of these options was set differently, this may be your problem.

Make sure you save the preferences, although there may well be a bug in 2k7 where none or not all of these options are being saved in the Prefs. If this is the case, and if you are on Mac, you may have to delete your Prefs file. Come back if you need help.

After you have set this, go to page 1 and Update the layout, by using the menu command in the Edit menu.

See whether this cures it.

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