dc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> CapToMusic seems to give excellent results with some files. 
> But with others, it generates incomprehensible (for me and 
> at least one other person) error messages, and the resulting 
> XML files won't import into Finale.

Thanks for the feedback. If you can e-mail me examples of the files
that create problems off-list, I can take a look at them and forward
them on to Bernd.

> By the way, what does the full Dolet plug-in for Finale do 
> that the standard version doesn't do?

The quick answer:

 - Batch import and export
 - MusicXML 1.1 export
 - Better import from Sibelius
 - Works with more versions of Finale
 - More frequent updates and bug fixes

For the full answer:


The MusicXML version in Finale 2007 corresponds to Dolet for Finale
version 3.2.

Best regards,

Michael Good
Recordare LLC

Finale mailing list

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