dhbailey wrote:
I don't remember ever being able to make macros for SmartShapes.  (WinFin)

I should have used the word "metatool" instead of macro. The OLM says the following (pg. 21-3):

To Program a Smart Shape metatool

You can assign a number or letter to any Smart Shape that exists in the Smart Line Selection dialog box. In addition, you can assign of these Smart Shapes to be measure or note-attached.

1. If you want to create a measure-attached Smart Shape metatool, first click the Custom Line Tool in the Smart Shape Palette. If you want to create a note-attached Smart Shape metatool, first click the Glissando Tool in the Smart Shape Palette. You will probably want to create a note-attached metatool for markings such as hammer-ons, pull-offs, glissandos, and other markings that extend from one note to the next, or items that need to be positioned relative to the note. Create a measure-attached metatool for items that extend over more
than one note, or need to be positioned relative to the measure.

2. Hold down the Shift key and press a number or letter on the QWERTY keyboard. The

3. Double-click to choose one of the available markings. The Smart Shape Metatool dialog
box appears asking if you want to save the metatool.

4. Click Yes to save the metatool. Click No to dismiss the dialog box without creating the
metatool. Note that all newly defined metatools are saved with the document.

5. If you assigned a note-attached Smart Shape, double-click the first of two notes or fret numbers to extend it to the next. If you assigned a measure-attached Smart Shape, doubleclick
and drag to extend the marking manually.

Anyway Éric Dussault was right. If you use the Finale preferences from a previous version and simply rename it, you won't be able to program your own metatools for Smart Shapes. (Mac, I'm not sure about Win)

-Randolph Peters

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