At 08:22 PM 10/16/06 +0200, Johannes Gebauer wrote:
>I succeeded very well to get the quartertone stuff entered into Finale 
>(and I now understand why some people prefer Speedy without MIDI 
>keyboard). Although playback is not really important to me, I do wonder 
>whether it is theoretically possible, without having to add expressions 
>to every note or such things. Has anyone managed this? Would this be 
>possible in any way with GPO, or the softsynth?

I don't know about GPO, but with any other synth (in my experience), you
have to add a pitch bend expression to each note. It's a pain because
(unless things have changed recently) a quarter-tone key signature setup in
Finale output only half-steps. So C, C-1/4sharp, C-sharp, C-3/4sharp would
produce Midi output of C, C-sharp, D, D-sharp. This would seem to work with
a keyboard set up for quarter-tones, but unfortunately because the Midi
output values overlap. That is, you can't -- again, unless something was
recently changed -- get a key signature in Finale where there are four
levels of C before getting to D. It doesn't "think" in 24 notes per octave.

Knowing that, though, you can create invisible expressions to bend each
note the appropriate distance (if you can stand the trouble!).


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