On 19 Oct 2006 at 13:45, shirling & neueweise wrote:

> From: "David W. Fenton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >I'm not really interested in Score per se
> then why do you keep asking questions about it?

Because you keep saying it's so much better than Finale.

> >  -- I'm interested in why you're going on a campaign denigrating 
> >Finale in favor of Score
> call it a campaign if you want, that's not how i see it.  there are
> things to denigrate in finale that affect my work in a negative way. i
> have also clearly stated that i am aware of score's limitations, but
> that i find there are some interesting things about the programme. 
> your needs are very different than mine, of course you may disagree
> with anything i say about the programme, which doesn't mean i'm wrong,
> in any absolute sense.

Score solves a very limited set of very well in terms of quality of 
output. But it requires the use of a very limiting UI model in order 
to do so.

> >when you don't seem to know a whole lot more about it than I do.
> it seems to me i've answered a number of questions you had about the
> programme, perhaps not entirely to your satisfaction, but your
> satisfaction isn't my interest here.   i stated right from the start
> that i spent only a little time with the programme; clearly my
> knowledge of score is not at the same level as my knowledge of finale.
> i also don't feel i have anything to prove regarding my level of
> knowledge of the programme in relation to yours.

That's not the point. There are many elements of Score that are 
clearly substandard for a modern publishing application. I'm just 
pointing those out in response to what looks to me like a rose-
colored-glasses view of Score.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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