Thanks Michael, it works!

But the answer from Rafael about closing barlines was not what I meant: I
meant closing just the GROUP barline at the end of the system, not of the
entire orchestra.
Is there anyone who knows this?

Thanks for now,

NB: Barbara, I will call you!

        -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
        - Use the Expression tool and go through the usual steps to get to  
        the Shape Designer.
        - Draw a line, then select it.
        - Choose "Arrowheads..." in the Shape Designer menu.
        - Choose "Custom" next to "End" and click on create.
        - Another Shape Designer window opens where you can create the
        arrowhead. Here you type in the text block, choosing font and making

        carriage returns as needed.
        - Once you've typed in the text, OK the dialogs to get back to the  
        original Shape Designer window. There will be a line with your text

        at the end of it.
        - Rotate the line until the text is going in the direction you want

        it to, then give the line zero thickness so it no longer shows up.
        - You now have a shape expression containing vertical text which can

        be placed anywhere in the score.

        On 24 Oct 2006, at 18:32, Minke Hylarides wrote:

> 2.) Is it possible to place a text bloc VERTICALLY on a page? The  
> only way I
> can think of is making a tiff-file (already vertical) and place  
> that on the
> page. But is there a way to do this directly with Finale?

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