Bob Shuster wrote:

I've been searching in vain for a list describing each of the characters in various music fonts for Finale. Not just a listing of the characters (which I know is included in the help files) but a list with a description of each character. Does anyone know if such a document exists, and if so where I might find it?

I haven't found one, but you could adapt an idea I used to print
character maps for fonts which were not included in the Finale
distribution, for example, a font, "Sonata Light", which I found on a
disk of fonts I purchased.

1)  Open a spread sheet

2)  In the leftmost column, at the top, enter "0"; in the row
immediately below the top, enter the formula to add 1 to value in the
row just above, and replicate that formula for 256 spaces.

3)  In the next column to the right, enter the code your spreadsheet
uses to generate a character listing; it might be CHR(nnn); replace the
nnn with the address of the cell to the left; set the font for this
column to the font for which you are creating the character list.

4)  In the next column to the right, enter the description of the
character.  You should be able to find these in a music dictionary, or a
volume such as Read.

This is a little different than what I did:  When I couldn't find now
one couldt print a character map from either WIN charmap function, or a
complete list which provided all of the information I needed from the
font viewer provided with Windows, I used a spreadsheet to print a
decimal character map by a similar means:  The leftmost column contained
100's, and 10's, with ones across the top, so I could generate a
character map from which I could easily see the character, and determine
the number to enter with  ALT - to generate the character.  I found the
character I was seeking, and look to the left of the row to see that it
was 14_, and looked to top of the column to see that the _ was replaced
by a 6, giving 146.


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