I am far from an expert in this area, but this has been my experience. When I use Finale/Mac's built in .pdf creation, it works well for other Mac users, but when I send those pdfs to PC users, there are staff lines and other things missing. I have cured this by saving the material as a ps file (often with multi page documents) and then using distiller to convert it to pdf. This has worked consistently well for me.


On Nov 4, 2006, at 9:36 AM, Christopher Smith wrote:

This is different than my experience.

I found that if a .pdf file didn't display correctly in Preview, then Acrobat 7 would probably display it and print it correctly. Usually these were .pdfs from PC users.

Isn't this odd!

Incidentally, so far I have been using Apple's built-in pdf creation utility with no problems, either with Finale or with AppleWorks with imported EPS graphics. I understand there are some features missing compared with Distiller, but I haven't needed them so far.


On Nov 4, 2006, at 12:23 PM, Randolph Peters wrote:

I don't know if this still applies, but we had a discussion about pdf anomalies back at the beginning of 2005. Here is what I wrote (and discovered) then:

There are some anomalies on the Mac side of things as well when it comes to printing and viewing pdfs.

I recently made a pdf of a Finale file using the new Acrobat 7 Professional print driver. There were some note heads missing as well as missing staff lines here and there when viewing the file in Acrobat 7 or Acrobat 7 Reader. The results were the same on screen and in print.

I took the same file and opened it in the Apple Preview program instead of Acrobat and everything was there and it printed just fine.

Go figure.

-Randolph Peters

Johannes Gebauer wrote:
Godofredo Romero wrote:
one way to avoid this is by first saving the document as an .eps and then use the distiller to convert it.

Well, it is impossible to save this file as one EPS since it has quite a number of pages. I did try to save as PS and Distill, with exactly the same result.


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