At 10:11 AM 11/9/06 -0500, Gerald Berg wrote:
>I am embarking on building my own web page.  Currently I am on CityMax 
>which charges 20 bucks a month with 50 MB of storage -- each additional 
>10MB costs another buck a month.  How do these prices compare with you 

I use Pair Networks ( They are one of the most reliable
web hosts with tiers of service depending on your needs. I have a dedicated
server for $100/month with 80GB space and 250GB/month downloads. They
presently host 190,000 websites. Their main page has a link to their
various services.

If you're doing anything on which you depend for business, you need
reliability. Pair is on several backbones and has insane reliability. I've
been a customer for nine years, and was down once for a few hours when they
moved the entire building to a new location. Other than that, downtime is
occasional and only for major upgrades; I asked for a new hard drive, and
it was in place and running in 10 minutes. (I just checked. The server has
been up without interruption for 570 days.)

The system is Unix-based and user-driven (with active and comprehensive
newsgroups), but if you expect a kind of automated web-building system, you
won't find it there.

Other services are good, but I trust folks who have an actual telephone
number answered by a real person, and an "urgent" email system that
actually works. :)

You know that this cynic doesn't usually wax enthusiastic about a product
or service, but Pair Networks is a very rare exception.



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