At 12:23 PM -0800 11/14/06, Bob Florence wrote:
Hi All:

I like to set pages up as a book. If I can have only one page open, that's perfect especially if you are on a very crowded bandstand or in a very crowded orchestra pit. After that I like two pages open. In this case I do a cover page and print the first page of music on it's other side. for me that insures the player that there are two pages open. The problem occurs when sending parts (either Finale files or pdfs) to to another location usually a school. They don't even notice the cover page and often players will be scuffling with page turns. How do I make this clear to anyone who is taping parts together? Laying parts for page turns is a game and I am very strict about it.
Thanks for any help.

No system is completely idiot-proof! I hope you strongly advise them to print 2-page parts on 11" x 17" ledger paper, which some have access to and others do not, but as long as you send what amounts to separate pages, whatever the actual format, you have no control over what they do. I wouldn't sweat it. But if you feel really strongly about it, only sell parts you prepare yourself.


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411  Fax (540) 231-5034
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