At 08:39 PM 11/16/2006, David W. Fenton wrote:
>On 16 Nov 2006 at 19:54, Aaron Sherber wrote:
>> You are correct that they are *presented* as files, but I don't think
>> they are files in any commonly understood sense of the term. I think
>> they are just represented that way by Windows.
>They are data, 1s and 0s. They can be read and copied directly, with
>no conversion involved.
>The fact that they are presented as files shows that Windows has
>software in it that can read the file system of an audio CD 

Please see my other response. I'm entirely open to being proved wrong by someone who really knows about this stuff, but I strongly believe that these "files" are created on the fly by Windows as pointers to the CD audio data. There are no files or file system as such on an audio CD.


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