On Nov 26, 2006, at 10:34 AM, dhbailey wrote:

Williams, Jim wrote:
Chuck, if the light goes on for you, please hit me over the head with it.
Before I sent 2007 back, I reached the conclusion that the linked
parts thing was right for a certain class of user--a class of user to which I don't seem to belong. While my determination doesn't match yours in this matter, I am willing to learn what--if indeed anything--I'm missing.

I think you're absolutely correct that linked parts does serve some users quite well while leaving others with different problems which it only exacerbates rather than aids with.

But remember that you can always use Fin2007 in the old-fashioned, make-a-score-and-extract-parts manner, just as Fin2006 and earlier.

Indeed you can, and there are a few improvements that make the upgrade worthwhile for some, I'm sure. I find that I have become quickly addicted to horizontal scrolling, for one thing, and improvements in Human Playback are considerable, in spite of the fact that efforts to make notation play back like educated musicians will always encounter the law of diminishing returns. Many thanks to Darcy and Robert Piechaud (sp?) for all the work they have done to make jazz rhythms at least approximate good performance practice.


David H. Bailey
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Chuck Israels
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