Johannes Gebauer / 2006/12/12 / 10:27 AM wrote:

>Can you be more specific? Why would I run this, and what would it tell 
>me. Would it fix it?

I forgot you are not in the US.  Here in America, router problem has
been increased past year or so.  Mostly caused by DoS attack.  I don't
know about Europe tho.  Anyway, when you run traceroute, and if there
was a router problem, you will see packet dropping and where it is
happening.  If the drop continues up to the destination server, it
explains why you can't visit the site while others are reaching fine. 
Sometime it gives you recognizable domain name so you can contact them. 
The known one for us, East Coast visitor, is dreaded Bell South routers
in West Coast.

>Personally I think I am just blocked from the site at their end, 
>probably because someone who was using the same provider as I am, 
>misused it and they blocked it.

Since you are having the problem this long, I too think it isn't a
router problem but you got on their black list somehow.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
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