On 20 Dec 2006 at 16:51, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

> David W. Fenton / 2006/12/20 / 04:27 PM wrote:
> >Sounds like a Microsoft problem. Perhaps Dell is not the right place
> >to purchase your PC -- maybe you need to find a vendor that can pre-
> >install (and support) the version of Windows that you need.
> Again, as I have said here many times, Micro$oft does not allow it.
> Only Micro$oft authorized importer is allowed to sell Japanese version
> of their software.  Windows is $550, and Office is $840.   On the
> other hand, my OSX 5 license pack cost me only $150(!).  Which
> platform cost more? :-)

I don't have a dog in that fight.

> >They provide you with the software pre-
> >installed and if you didn't purchase the media disks (costs about $10
> > extra), then you don't have any way to re-install, and it's not
> >really their problem.
> I still don't understand your logic.  By the way, they didn't tell me
> anything about $10 media disk.  They told me to pay for full retail of
> WinDVD which cost was way more than that.  Anyway, I think this is OT
> enough now ;-)

In general, the default configuration for Dell PCs includes the $10 
media disks, which include OS re-install, drivers and applications. 
If you don't get them, then you have to create the disks yourself 
from images stored on the hard drive. If you reformat before you do 
that, you've lost the software that Dell provided to you and it's 
really not their job to provide you with the software (though I don't 
understand why they can't ship you the media disks for a reasonable 

It may be that the deal with the company that makes WinDVD is 
different from others and that Dell is prohibited from helping you 
out there. I'd call Dell back and try to go up the chain of support 
to see if I could find out something about it. Ask to speak to a 
supervisor. If that fails, write to Michael Dell -- I'm serious about 
that. A client of mine had a problem with their laptop and she wrote 
to Michael Dell and someone from his office called her back and 
spearheaded getting her problems resolved. 

Sounds to me like you would be representative a large number of 
potential Dell customers and they should want to serve you better. 
Escalating your complaint may get you something. Or it may not -- but 
my experience with Dell is that once you get beyond the first-line 
support drones, they are decent people who just want to keep you 

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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