Hi Andrew,

And I can confirm that this plugin does work, and that it makes working with linked parts in certain kinds of music (music with concerted parts having similar layouts) fully competitive with older extracted parts methods. And I had been crying for such a plugin - only to be told by Jef that it already existed. I'm sure there are more of these that I have yet to discover.


On Dec 27, 2006, at 5:47 AM, Christopher Smith wrote:

On Dec 26, 2006, at 11:34 PM, Andrew Stiller wrote:

Only a week or so ago, there was a discussion on this list RE copying layout info, page textblocks, and measure expression assignments from one file to another on the Mac (2K7a). If someone were to repost that, I'd be grateful.

Yep, I kept that one myself!

Here it is, from jef chippewa:


Start Quote:

hey chuck (et al) - yep.  it's clunky, but:

1. TGTools: modify: transfer: layout: beat charts and measure widths
2. layout tool: **before** doing layout (*) select "apply to PT/SC" in "edit system margins" dialogue and select the instruments you want the changes to apply to (!!!!! remember to change it back to this part only once done!!!) and set system layout as you wish 3. layout tool: using fit measure options cmd-sh-f set measures per system (*)

oh yeah you should also perhaps create MM rests in target parts, if not done already.

(*) both of these are possible to do afterwards, with the selection of SC/PTs as described above.: click on a system and hit "apply" in system margins dialogue; click on a system, press cmd-sh-f and return.

now... i might have just discovered that TGTools may have been the cause of the massive amount of duplicate page text blocks i mentioned a couple of hours ago, now back from printing, i didn't do much else except copy measure data across 60 instruments (several measures require very special treatment in many instruments), but don't really have time for more experimentation right now... in fact i should be pounding through parts rather than writing this email...


shirling & neueweise ... new music publishers

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