ER @ HOME wrote:
Hello all,
After many years, I finally committed and purchased JABB as part of the recent group buy. I'm a "power user" with Finale (version 1.0 vet) and have been using Reason and soundfonts for playback of big band charts with reasonable success. So...I installed JABB and began to play with expected the individual sounds show a lot of promise, BUT when I try to playback an existing big band score (a FinMac 2005b file), I get lots of digital artifacts (pops, sizzles), etc.with only a brass section loaded...or even with just saxophones and rhythm. I'm working on an iMac G5 with 1.25 GB of RAM... I've tried opening up the latency both in Garritan Jazz (which I assume also affects GPO Studio since there is nowhere to adjust latency in the GPO Studio preferences) AND opened up the latency all the way in my digital audio interface. Hmm...maybe that's part of the issue? In the Garritan JABB forum, JABB wizard Tom Hopkins mentioned that he did all those great sounding JABB demos with less than 1.5 GB of RAM, so I'm hoping there's a solution available with my current rig. If not, I'm suppose I'm willing to spend to bread to max out my RAM to 2 GB if that will cure the problem.

I would think that a major aspect of success would be to consider what other processes are running at the same time. Is your browser working in the background? Is your e-mail client working in the background? Is your anti-virus program working? Do you have a software firewall working? Anything which needs to share processor time is a likely culprit.

The processor speed would also be important.

I would bet that those sorts of demos were made on a machine dedicated solely to music, so that 1.5GB of ram would certainly be enough if nothing else were distracting the processor.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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