To delete the bars at the end, just click on Mass Mover tool, highlight the bars, and hit delete. To insert 2 bars between 15 nd 16, hit the measure tool, highlight bar 15, go to the measure drop down menu to insert, choose 2, and click it.


On Jan 2, 2007, at 12:23 AM, Will Denayer wrote:

Doesn't doubleclicking the measure tool add a new measure in Simple,
just as it does in Speedy?

Is this another case where Will has not worked through the tutorials?

Yes, David, you are right. But I am doing my best. On the other hand, my wife and daughter are on holidays, so everything is very calm here, I don't have to teach this week, it's a great time to try to write something. I have two new problems. 1) I doubleclicked the measure tool 15 times in a row and now I am going to have a couple of measures too many. How can I delete measures at the end of the piece where there will be nothing written? 2) I need a couple of measures (say two) between measures 15 and 16. I need measure 15 (which is written), then m.16 new (empty for now), m.17 (also empty) and then m. 16 (the old one, where there is music). How can I create these two empty measures without getting into a lot of trouble with shifting notes etc.? Thank you for reading and with best regards, Will

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