Hello all --

Sorry for the OT post -- this is the best place I know to get advice on ALL
things musical.

My wife's grandfather passed away this week, and we will be heading over for
the memorial service on Monday.  I've been asked to play for the service --
there are two hymns during the service (Amazing Grace and The Old Rugged
Cross -- not a problem, even for this Jewish guy), and then I'll need some
music for the 15-20 minutes before the service begins, plus something to
play at the end.

The question is: what music?  I've done more than my share of weddings and
parties and cocktail hours, but never a memorial service.  My
grandmother-in-law asked for what she described as "you know, light
classical" and my father-in-law said "elevator music."  Those of you gigging
keyboardists out there: what are some art (nonpop, whatever you like) music
pieces -- even if cliché -- that I can whip out and read through pretty

I figured second movement of the Beethoven Pathetique worked pretty well,
but hadn't gotten much beyond there.  I have a decently stocked piano music
library at home, and figured to start browsing through it this evening, but
it would be great if my browsing had some direction to it.

Any and all suggestions are appreciated.  Come to think of it, pop music
choices are fine too.  Please feel free to respond on- or off-list.


-- Mike

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