Daniel Wolf wrote:

On Jan 12, 2007, at 5:38 PM, John Howell wrote:

Opera was entertainment, and can only be compared with musical theater today
This is a claim that is made again and again, but on any close inspection will fall apart. It's clear that Viennese Opera was a form of entertainment for upper classes, but the entire function of entertainment is difficult to map one-to-one to mass entertainment today. Opera was understood as a vehicle for the virtuoso demonstration of a body of music and cultural conventions and patterns, for technical innovation within the context of those convention, and also as a civic and moral instance. The coherence of Opera as a genre depended less on the coherence of a single opera as a work of music or literature or theatre than its coherence within a tradition whose conventions and patterns would be understood by a small audience who returned night after night, over many years, and who would have recognized the same conventions and patterns in an elevated literary tradition in which they read, in sophisticated sacred and secular concerted music they heard, and in the civic and courtly lives that they led. One might argue that the _Singspiel_ , with a wider audience, was particularly close to the musical, but despite its connections to the /Prater/, the very best examples of Singspiel (/Die Zauberflöte, Die Entführung aus dem Serail/) clearly have their own moral ambitions.

This view of opera as the purview of an elite audience, at least in Italy in the 19th century, goes counter to what I've read where the public at large awaited the latest operas, every village had its opera house, the public at large learned and sang (probably as poorly as a coworker today singing some Nirvana hit or an old Beatles tune) and revered much of the music from the opera house. When Verdi died he was worshipped as a god, his funeral was a huge state procession. That doesn't happen to people who only catered to the wealthy.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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