Richard Yates wrote:
Thank you, David! That worked (I also did not have 'MIDI Thru' checked).

Now that I can hear notes 'live' there is a significant latency between
keypress and sound. Do you know of anything that can be done about that?

Yes -- turn off "Playback."  ;-)

Latency can occur at several places along the chain from your keypress to the speakers. The most obvious latency issue might arise from what device you are using to playback your music. If you have it set to CPU-intensive playback such as the softsynth or GPO you'll likely notice greater latency than if you're playing through your soundcard's built-in midi synth. The softsynth should show less latency than GPO but even that lower latency might be unsatisfactory.

Another place where latency can occur can be with the midi interface drivers.

The easiest to resolve is simply to use your soundcard's built-in synth for playback while entering notes, unless the latency is with the interface, in which case you might need to get different drivers.

I don't recall if you mentioned how you have the keyboard connected to the computer, but perhaps if you provide some more details on that we could help pinpoint the problem better.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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