XP, that's it!  I new ME didn't sound right.


David W. Fenton wrote:
On 24 Jan 2007 at 17:08, Raymond Horton wrote:

Not Vista - whatever comes right before -  Windows ME, I think?

Windows ME is not "whatever comes right before" Vista. The immediate predecessor to Vista is Windows XP (with some parts borrowed from Windows 2003 Server, which was built on top of the WinXP codebase). WinME was the worthless last iteration of the Win9x kernel, and not NT-based. Very few people bought it (thankfully), as by that time Win2K was out and was by far the better version of Windows.

I would expect all sorts of problems with recent software run in WinME, as it is quite old and based on a much older and inefficient and unstable codebase than it's near half sibling, Win2K.

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