FinWin 2k7b

This has been commented before, but now I faced this bug. In a file (created in Fin2k, edited thru every version until 2k7b) of a piece for orchestra, about 250 measures, I decided to insert some music at the beggining (some 25 measures). I worked this measures in a different file (I balnaked my original file and saved it with another name, just to retain everything) and when I tried to insert the new measures in my original file, Finale just crashed (in fact, it just closed without notice) once, twice, everytime. I tested saving clip files but nothing worked, the same chrashing every time. Then I remembered that I was playing with the piccolo part (I mean, I created this linked part only to try some formatting) and thought this could be the annoying thing. I deleted it and voilĂ , I could insert the music without problems. I guess there's still some (should I say a lot of?) work to do with linked parts. For sure, they could be useful in some circomstances, but might become a pain in the butt in another.

So, if some of you got the same trouble, maybe this info coulb be useful.

Rafael L. Junchaya
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