On 6-Feb-07, at 2:35 PM, Lon Price wrote:

I'm working on a slow blues that has a double time swing figure, and I can't seem to get Finale to interpret it correctly on playback. Does anyone know if this is possible in Finale?

Well, that depends on your definition of "possible" and "correctly." 8-)

Assuming you need to play it back for some client who does not want to know about any problems you are having with the technology, or for demo purposes for someone lacking imagination, and you don't care if you create a separate playback file, you could try this:

In a copy of the file, change the rhythmic values of the double-time figures only to twice their length with the Mass Edit tool.

Adjust lengths of measures with the Time Sig tool.

Put in tempo expression to double the tempo at the exact place you need the double time feel to start, and cancel them with original tempo expressions at the exact places they end.

Use that as a playback file.

Swear at the client expressively and loudly, in an isolated room alone to get it all out of your system before you see him next.


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