I see that Gary just posted the latest "Where We Are At" information in the Northern Sounds forums:


Here's the Latest Updated Update of the Update on the Update of the Update:

The Gofriller Cello
We received the master disc from Native Instruments at NAMM and the programming was corrupted and different from what was sent. So back to NI, and yesterday I received a new master and we're in testing mode. If this master checks out, it's off to the manufacturer and then to market. I am seeing what can be done about an expedited duplication.

The GPO and JABB Mac Intel/ Kontakt 2 updates
The new updates in the hands of Native Instruments for encoding. Once encoding and tested they will be made availabel as a free download. There were some critical bugs in the Kontakt 2 player that had caused delays and these have been fixed.

The Concert and Marching Band Library
The programming has been done. Now that GPO and JABB are on their way and the Kontakt 2 player fixes have been made , was are focusing on doing some last minute checking with CMB and then off to NI for encoding (hopefully next week).

General MIDI (GEM)
No new report. As previously posted, some changes on the part of the NI and we had to do some changes. GEM will not be able to open up in Bandstand as we originally had hoped. We should finish this fairly soon in the Kontakt 2 player.

Progressing just fine and going better than we imagined with our new sample player.

Other projects
Having our own player is opening up possibilities. The Choir library is moving along nicely and there are other libraries we are working on.

Thanks for your patience and your support. This has taken a lot longer than we thought. Let me know if you have any questions.

Gary Garritan

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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