You can take your pick: in 2007 (original version) hyphens never disappear, even in situations where you might want them to. It is also noticeable that when syllables get close together, the hyphens are placed too far to the right.

In 2007c, too many hyphens disappear. This contrasts with older versions (2005 and before), where the hyphen only disappears when the two syllables are almost touching each other. I opened a short file made in 2005b in 2007c: 9 of the 29 hyphens were no longer visible.

So if you want all hyphens to show up, and can accept them being too far right, use 2007 (original). If you prefer having hyphens disappear unless you set the spacing rather wide, use 2007c. If you want hyphens to work as they did in older versions, use an older version!


On 17 Feb 2007, at 18:59, dc wrote:

Michael Cook écrit:
But the disappearing hyphens still disappear, so hyphens are still in a bad
way: 2007c remains unsuitable for serious publishing with lyrics.

Thanks for the info, Michael. Is it actually worse than 2007?

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