John Howell wrote:
At 9:39 PM -1000 2/16/07, Bruce K H Kau wrote:
SPAM comes from "SPiced hAM". Much as we make fun of it (here in Hawai'i, too), it was a godsend for those who, during WWII, didn't really have any other major source of protein. In Hawai'i, that was just about everyone. That, according to legend, is where our taste for SPAM comes from. (Vienna sausage was also available. Although my parents gave me a lot of that, too, it fortunately did not become popular here.)

Actually I rather liked it as a kid, myself, and could still go for it occasionally except that the amount of sodium makes it a no-no.

And, just to make a very roundabout attempt to bring this somewhat back to music/finale, is there any kind of term for "musical spam" (other than muzak(tm))? Many's the time I've been mulling over a tune/arrangement in my head while walking about, only to have a PA (or some car driving by) bombard me with "musical spam".

A profounder question than you might think. What makes "spam," "spam"? Is it the content? Or is it the fact that it is forced on you without your permission? I would think the latter, since if nobody liked Muzak (tm) it wouldn't be as effective on the masses as it apparently is.

Just started watching the movie "Marie Antoinette." The illustration of wallpaper music constantly playing in the background is quite telling, but the rock parts of the score strike me as so totally anachronistic that they really turn me off. THAT'S spam!!


I think a stronger term (probably involving body parts or excrement) is needed for this concept of "musical spam" though -- all visual spam, whether it's e-mail we don't want to get or junk mail in our snail-mail boxes can be easily dispensed with by using the delete key or the trash-can/recycle-bin in our offices or houses.

Musical spam, however, is all the worse because we don't have ears which are "closable." Music is heard whether we like it or not, and try as hard as we may to ignore it, it is there and we perceive it. So it is all the worse because we can't ignore it.

Spam as in e-mail or junk mail we don't like is a mere nuisance which can be worked around easily -- musical spam is more evil because of the very nature of soundwaves. The only solution is to carry around large hat-pins and puncture every such speaker cone we can get access to. Of course, that's physical vandalism and is against the law, so we are caught between a rock and a hard place.

David H. Bailey
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