Second that ... the tutorial has saved me many hours of work. I find that the master volume on the mixer works best at no more than about 64.


On Feb 22, 2007, at 7:58 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

Hi Leigh,

In both Finale 2006 and 2007, there is a Mixer (Window -> Mixer), where you can (and should) reduce the Master volume so GPO doesn't clip.

Just a friendly reminder that this is one of the tips I give in my Garritan Instruments tutorial, called "GPOHP Tutorial Supplement.pdf", and found in your User Manual folder (provided you have an up-to-date version of Finale 2006 or Finale 2007).

Not to be too self-promotional, but I would recommend that anyone using Garritan instruments consult this document. Of course, I also welcome feedback about how to improve the tutorial for next year.


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 22 Feb 2007, at 10:21 PM, Leigh Daniels wrote:

Hello All,

I've got a piece using the viola from full GPO and trombone, bass and
piano from JABB. When I play back the piece, the sections where the
music is the loundest (the viola and trombone are fff), the result is
too loud and I get clipping distortion.

Is there anything like a master fader that I could use to pull down the
overall output volume so it doesn't clip?



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