Has anyone on this list come up with any clear advantages to even having a Linked Parts feature?

i consider this feature to be a **major** improvement to the programme.

I understand if you make some revisions (accidentals, etc.) in the score it updates the parts behind the scenes

this is a major part of the the answer to your question. there are still a large number of issues to resolve, but for many people not all of the issues are troublesome.

At least when I've done parts the "old fashioned way", the task is predictable and reliable, even though it might be a little more
time consuming.

i don't see the problem, linked parts is totally predictable and reliable once you wrap your head around the inherently different working methods. and once the feature is properly mastered, i don't believe anyone could claim linked parts are **only** a "little less time consuming" than extracting to separate files.

for (one obvious) example, imagine and compare the time involved in correcting the score + 22 parts in kim's situation below: - linked parts: checking/adjusting layout in one open file and printing the entire batch of parts in one go; - extracted parts: inserting measures and checking/adjusting layout in 23 separate open documents.

kim wrote:
Create Multimeasure Rests.... has to be done on every part. Doing it when viewing the score doesn't do it. Unfortunately, I hadn't done that with all 22 parts, and there was a lot of missing music in the parts today. It appears this 2007 version has a LOT of problems.

there is nonetheless an advantage to finale NOT auto-updating inserted measures: when these fall within existing MM rests in parts, i would assume that you would go through and check the thing in all the parts anyways, i would never assume that inserting an extra measure in the piece would work without any adjustments whatsoever with the layout of 22 parts, and would therefore go through them one by one to correct it as needed. again, once the user understands ALL aspects of how it works it is a very powerful tool.

this is not a feature that any user should simply use out of the box, it is not intuitive and because of its inherent complexity, everyone should read the manual very carefully before using linked parts. this has been mentioned here many times, linked parts are not something to be taken lightly!

one thing that can save a lot of aggravation is generating the parts and doing the layout as late in the game as possible (i realise this is not always possible, but is something to keep in mind). if vern and kim had done this, much of the problems they encountered would not have occured.


shirling & neueweise ... new music publishers
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