Hmmm... (rubbing chin)...  Seven notes, you say!

Thanks.  Getting interestinger and interestinger.


I heard an interview with Stephen Schwartz on Radio 3's 'Stage and Screen' a
few weeks ago, talking about Wicked.

If you take the first seven notes of 'Unlimited, my future is...' from 'The
Wizard and I', they are in fact the same notes as 'Somewhere Over The
Rainbow', but with a different rhythm.

Apparently, so he said, you are only allowed seven notes before copyright
kicks in.

No idea if he is correct.

Gary Griffiths

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 05 March 2007 20:17
Subject: Re: [Finale] How much can I quote?

Raymond Horton wrote:
Thanks, Christopher, for that link, and to everyone else for the excellent and extremely helpful advice I received here on this subject.

For example, I wonder if the opening 7-note guitar riff from Lennon-McCartney's "Yer' Birthday, " used in a serious, somewhat quodlibet-type composition (not sampled), used out of the blue to give a birthday reference (in other words - meant to be recognizable) would constitute plagiarism (my guess is probably) or could it be protected by any sort of artistic license or any other such thing. Not really a musical parody, but possibly close to one.


My guess would be that such a short quotation would be alright [disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer and this is just a guess] since it in no way would diminish the merchantability of the original, would in no way be mistaken for the original.

I think the only way you could parody that song would be to change the lyrics so it didn't refer to a birthday but to a deathday or a wedding day or some other sort of special day (even something like "They say it's a Tuesday, We're gonna have a dull time." would be a parody) but simply throwing in a snippet of the song (unless it were possibly in the midst of an arrangement of The Funeral March) wouldn't, in my decidedly non-legally-trained mind, constitute any legal parody.

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