On 29.03.2007 Kim Patrick Clow wrote:
I need a German font Schreibweise-- I've looked online but I don't
seem to be able to locate this specific font. Could anyone with German
skills point me to the right direction?

This would be simple to install, nothing complex such as changing my
keyboard drivers for German characters I hope? I'm on XP SP 2.


I think there is a misunderstanding here. "Schreibweise" means spelling, and I rather doubt there is a font of that name anywhere. There are also no differences between "German" and other fonts, any font I know of has German characters (those are ÄÖÜäöüß). You can access them from any keyboard. As far as I remember you get them on the Mac with option-u followed by the normal character. Not sure how you'd get the ß.

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