On 12 Apr 2007 at 14:57, Raymond Horton wrote:

> To me, when I visited in Spain, the difference was amplification. 
> That made it unwelcome.  I like good acoustic music outdoors in most
> situations, but the over-amped music from the other end of a plaza was
> annoying.

Last night on the way to my viol consort rehearsal, I exited from the 
West 4th Street subway station. I saw a black guy in huge dreds 
playing a guitar up ahead and wondered what he was playing. When I 
got close enough to hear (which was *very* close), it turned out he 
was playing some early music that I identified as likely to be 
Elizabethan lute music. It was *beautiful* and oh-so-very-quiet and 

Unfortunately, I was late for rehearsal and couldn't stop and enjoy!

But I'd be thrilled to hear him play any time.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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