On Apr 20, 2007, at 11:59 AM, Dejan Badnjar wrote:

Hi all,

Does anybody have a workaround for exploding bug in Fin 2007? Exploding would respell the notes according to "Enharmonic Spelling" settings at the time the notes were entered. So, if you entered a flat note with "Favor Sharps" on, Fin 2007 respells the flat to sharp. I hope that this is the proper assessment of the problem. It has been reported on the Finale forum. PC and Mac versions behave the same.

Sorry, the only explanation that Tech Support gave me is that if you enter the notes using Simple Entry, then all is well. It's Enharmonic flipping that is broken in Speedy Entry.

You can also go back and re-flip every wrong spelling manually, but I warn you, they don't always stick if you use Speedy Entry to flip them!


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