Dear Darcy,

It's hopeless.

I've copied from my PPC and removed all prefs and the "location.txt" as you suggested, but to no avail. A message come up, displaying "Finale cannot start the Registration Wizard because a required data file (location.txt, Dealers_Fin.txt) was not found in the Component Files folder".

Then, after trashing all the copies, I tried a new install from my original CD with the same removing actions and obtain the same results.

Clicking the Remind Me Later in the Register Window let me yet work in Demo mode: that is 30 days from today after the new install. But those trial period is over after copying my former app from the PPC.

I can open the Registration Finaleā€¦ under the Help Menu in the newly installed, but this doesn't let me fill in my country (Belgium). And when I then click the Next button, Finale quits.
BTW the same behavior happens with 2k5 as with 2k5b as well.

I send you FWIW the bug report off-list.

What am I doing wrong? Can you assist me further?
As you've probably noticed, english isn't my mother tongue, so phone to MM isn't my "favourite thing". I can read and a few ideas write, but can speak only a few words and don't understand your language very well when someone talk to me.

Thank you for any advice,

Sincerely yours,

On 27 apr 2007, at 20:12, Darcy James Argue wrote:

Hi Hans,

It used to be impossible to run the registration tool under Rosetta, but due to improvements in Rosetta in recent OS X updates that is no longer the case. Finale 2004-2006 all work just fine under Rosetta, registration included.

Delete all Fin2005 prefs and remove the "location.txt" file from your Fin2005 Component Files folder and you should be fine. You will be prompted to register, so make sure you have a spare registration for the new computer -- or call MM and get them to deactivate your old Fin2005 registrations. (Call now! Don't wait till tomorrow -- MM are closed on the weekend.)


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

You will excuse me for any typo's due to a visual handicap.

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