
I have also tried in vain to overcome this problem and have given up and just added extra staves and voiced each part individually when I have dual voiced grace notes. I thought changing the 2nd part into layer 2 might help but it becomes even worse - and you still can't drag the notes around in the part anyway. Grace notes have never been Finale's best attribute anyway.

This really needs to be fixed so you can use the special tools note mover or something. It makes a whole mockery of having the facility there in the first place.


On the other hand, I'm completely stumped when it comes to grace note spacing on voiced linked parts, which is, as far as I can tell, completely broken. A passage using grace notes that spaces fine on non-voiced parts will be an irredeemable mess on voiced parts, and there is no way to fix the spacing manually because none of the relevant tools work in voiced parts. Trying to make modifications in the score doesn't help either.

Has anyone found a solution for this (other than extracting out)?


- Darcy

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