I don't know if this is what you are looking for, however, I wrote a work back in 1989 based on the model of the DNA molecule as it is spinning. The work, entitled "3.4/20/34 Angstrom", is 6 1/2 minutes long, for string quartet work and is atonal. There are two movements (one for each half of the molecule). The parallel movements between the instruments move from clashing intervals such as major 7ths to octaves and back. Let me know if you would like to take a look at the score.

Nick Raspa

-----Original Message-----
To: finale@shsu.edu
Sent: Mon, 14 May 2007 8:49 PM
Subject: [Finale] OT: works in octaves, unison etc.

  Dear listers, 
A quick q to the wisdom of this list. I am looking for any works or movts. of works for more than one instrument that are constructed entirely in unisons or octaves. Obviously there is the Qt. for the End of Time mvt., and less obviously I've done one myself (fun to write if you've not tried it!). Can anyone suggest others? 
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