At 5/28/2007 01:28 PM, Mariposa Symphony Orchestra wrote:

>It's not a matter of disingenuousness - or my not comprehending your
>comment; I certainly did.  This thread arose out of the comments I made
>regarding dissemination of serious music in this country in the 19th
>century.    You may reinvent the criteria for what is and what is not an
>orchestra all you like - but if orchestras WERE playing music and people
>WERE coming to hear it and the notes WERE being sounded and the composers
>WERE having their music become known, but the orchestras later disbanded,
>does that mean - following your defined parameter, ipso facto - that those
>orchestras <never existed> or (returning to my dissemination of music
>premise) that the music they played must now be discounted as never having
>been heard?

Maybe it's a time concept that is the problem?

A lot of orchestras only played one summer season, and they might have only been "pickup".

It wasn't that they lasted only "10? 20? 100?", it was that they didn't last 2.

Phil Daley          < AutoDesk >

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