Remember this?

>Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2004 10:29:04 +0100
>From: Jonathan Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>O.K. for David, Mark & Joel (+ any lurkers) here goes.
>Remember this his a list from a little way back (actually, I did post it
>on the list) and so some things might have been improved since then, but
>then Sibelius would never admit there were faults or problems in the
>first place. You'd get a "Why do you want to do that?"
>Most of the major cons for me come from the clunky interface even in the
>beautiful OSX environment and the method of pre-emptive input. The app.
>always gives you the impression that it knows better than you, maybe
>that's great for students and the like but it consequently lacks the
>professionalism and versatility of Finale.
>BTW, this list is far from exhaustive.
>- And before I get barraged with 100's of "can-do-nows" most of these
>points were comparing Sib. to Finale 2001-2 at the time they were both
>on the market together and they "couldn't-do-then", I know because I was
>trying! - And I am/have to upgrade to Sib. v.3 shortly - so I shall
>update the list after I've seen the fixes ;-) .
>69 reasons not to buy Sibelius over Finale
>1. Brackets won't automatically hide when you 'optimise' a double (or
>more) staved part.
>2. System spacing is never even.
>3. Just try to move an individual measure number....
>4. Inability to move ties easily.
>5. Poor spacing of Multi Measure rests especially in the same system as
>single measures.
>6. Larger files run slow (Mac G4 867mhz/256mb RAM)
>7. v1.4 Freezes my computer every time I open it from a start-up. Work
>round is very strange: I have to restart with exts disabled, go to ATM
>prefs., bin all items labelled with OTF, restart and Zap the PRAM, open
>OMS and test studio.....then I can finally open Sibelius. There is no
>fix for this apart from buying v2.0, which leads me to believe that v2.0
>is not and upgrade but a bug fix.....a very expensive bug fix.
>8. Impossible to recover text (in undo history) if you've hit return
>from a text block edit.
>9. Very frustrating when you need to move individual systems or staves,
>they all jump around and the page gradually moves higher in the screen
>view until you are stuck with just the lower 4cms of your score in view.
>10. Hairpin cresc./dims. vary in opening width depending on their length.
>11. Slurs are not like engraver slurs in Finale, they collide and clash
>all over, plus they are really hard to move around over system breaks,
>some you can't move at all.
>12. Terrible look to rhythmic notation, for example try two
>consecutive un-beamed 8th notes with a tie.....
>13. Printing is slower (spreads and spooling scores).
>14 Clunky text selection for expressions etc.
>15. Procedure for changing (hiding or deleting) measure numbers is far
>too complicated.
>16. Page %'s for viewing are fixed and not always what you want for
>optimum screen size, you can't just select a size as with Finale (or
>make it default).
>17. Beams and Slurs look really jagged on screen.
>18. Flags don't line up with stems on screen view
>19. Accidentals in chord clusters are incorrect and often badly spaced.
>20. Placement of Articulations (accents, staccs, tenutos, etc.) is far
>too rigid, there is no scope for individual placement or movement.
>21. In part extracts of Multi Wind parts you will loose the
>transpositions for each instrument change.
>22. Any Finale file containing grace notes imported into Sibelius will
>really mess up. The result will be parts that contain super small empty
>measures where ever there was a corresponding measure in the score
>containing grace notes. Also the MM rest groups start appearing all over
>the pages in very strange places. The only work round is to delete each
>bar in each part and then insert again. This can waste hours, yet
>reading the Sibelius promo you would think it a cinch...think again.
>23. Try putting articulations over rhythmic notation.....Yuk!
>24. So you want to move an Articulation? This is what the Sibelius
>manual says on page 69:
>"In the unlikely event that you want to move an articulation, delete it
>and create a new one as a symbol. Be aware that articulations created as
>symbols have no playback effect."
>25. Score expressions (tempo markings etc.) cannot be 'nudged' and must
>be dragged.
>26. Settings for part extract need to be altered each time for single or
>double stave parts.
>27. If you change font details on a text expression all other instances
>of that word in the score remain unchanged, so you have to change them
>all individually.
>28. Flags on voice layers are too short and collide.
>29. The broken chord symbol in front of chord clusters is not taken into
>spacing consideration and consequently needs to be dragged around to
>stop it clashing with barlines, every time.
>30. Most articulations are not taken into spacing consideration.
>31. Tenutos collide with ties on notes and you can't move 'em.
>32. Awful looking ties on an up-stem to a down-stem note, the tie goes
>through the stem.
>33. Impossible to select multiple items like text or staff expressions.
>34. Speed users will find that you are constantly grabbing the wrong
>items as the application is so slow to react.
>35. Time delay on editing text and moving staves.
>36. No spacing for chord symbols.
>37. No on screen guide lines for aligning text or expressions.
>38. 1st Repeat bars come out too close to key signatures and need to be
>dragged to avoid collision.
>39. Inability to drag an expression anywhere in the area under key
>change signatures in double staves like a piano part.
>40. When editing a text block you dont get WYSIWYG, the last letters
>are usually missing.
>41. Inability to show measure numbers over multi measure rest groups,
>for example 24-28.
>42. Default note spacing 'rule' as its so pretentiously called, allows
>collision of the flags on a 16th note with the barline if it is the
>final note in the measure.
>43. Page breaks won't stay in place if you adjust the systems
>afterwards, for instance if you alter the number of measures in each system.
>44. Cautionary accidentals before a change of transposing instrument in
>multi-wind part is extremely dodgy.
>45. Alternate notation is not real, it is graphical and therefore you
>get no playback and can copy only the symbol to another measure not the
>music that it 'hides' as with Finale.
>46. There is no choice to fix the font size selected, so if you reduce
>the note size the font size goes with it.
>47. Treble and Bass Clef changes in LH or RH Piano/Keyboard parts get
>mysteriously changed upon part extract requiring a reproof.
>48. You can't move a 8va--------- extension over system breaks to the
>left or right.
>49. Inability to open a selected sequence of .sib files from the finder
>in the order you shift click them. They just all appear in A-Z order.
>This is useless when you want to print out a set of parts in a specific
>50. Sibelius began life as a University project undertaken by the Finn
>brothers and thus it comes over as such; a rather amateurish
>application, even the manual has a snooty 'we know better than you do'
>air to it. They dont.
>51. Drum noteheads are poor.
>52. Rehearsal marks (A,B,C, etc.) are not easily moved. If you drag them
>too far away from their original position the rehearsal mark jumps up or
>down, so letter C becomes D or B and all the others change too. This is
>listed in the manual as a feature!
>53. Inability to group sets of measures into many systems.
>54. Inability just to simply nudge measures up or down systems.
>55. Lack of spacing in secondary layers and no update of layout.
>56. Clunky actions with most dragging movements, sometimes delayed,
>sometimes secondary.
>57. Freemidi doesnt work with Sibelius, even though it is included with
>the CD.
>58. Menus are confusing, too long (submenus), and sometimes
>inappropriate. For example: Create Text.
>59. Cheap manual, poorly indexed and not logical to follow. Some items
>have no reference at all, usually the bits that dont work properly.
>60. No auto spacing when measures are moved to other systems.
>61. Sibelius doesnt believe in using handles for any element which is a
>great idea until two or more elements overlap and then you cant select
>62. Restrictive copy protection especially if you need to use it on more
>than one computer.
>63. Overpriced. Upgrades also expensive and it is impossible to run 2
>versions on the same computer.
>64. The Sibelius web site for user problems is monitored in such a way
>that you only see the problems and solutions they want you to see.
>65. All Sibelius publications have the same look to them, there is very
>little scope for customisation and to change the overall style even
>though they have a 'house styles' option, which is merely a list of
>various notation preferences most of which are very restricted.
>66. Claims for the slick importing of Finale files are way over the top.
>The truth is that they bring in little more information than a standard
>MIDI file import would do.
>67. Winged repeats are possible on the starting repeat bars but not the
>ending repeat bars!
>68: It is impossible to have two brackets of the same type in different
>horizontal positions, as for example when a divided string section uses
>extra staves. Sibelius forces you to use their "subsidiary bracket"
>(actually a desk bracket) for this purpose even in places where it is
>inappropriate--and heaven help you if you need more than three layers of
>bracketing. I find it very strange that an application developed in
>England would enforce a bracket style that is standard only in France
>and Russia.
>69. Difficulty in getting ending repeat brackets to display on multiple
>systems. This is a nightmare, for starters, the height of the ending
>bracket is not adjustable when it spans multiple systems. You have to
>position it exactly right when you click it in, because once it's there,
>it ain't moving.
>Sibelius did write some great symphonies, but sadly not with Sibelius ;-)
>Finale mailing list
Phil Daley          < AutoDesk >

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