On Jun 20, 2007, at 8:59 PM, Carl Dershem wrote:

Christopher Smith wrote:
On 20.06.2007 Bob Florence wrote:
Do you all know the term "underscore" as used on a computer keyboard. I do. However, a friend told me he always had trouble using this one.
It's shift dash_. I want to use this in my e mail address.
Heh, heh, I think I know why he wants to do this. He wants an email that is read like this "I underscore movies at warnerbrothers dot com" or something similar. I already thought of that one... 8-)

Hmmm... in that case, would 'underscore' be defined as 'writing sparse music for'?

Ah, I see you understand music set to image! Most neophytes write WAY too busy when they start out writing for film, TV, CD-ROM background music, jingles, ballet, etc. Part (a LARGE part!) of the experience is what is NOT in the music, and most composers are used to composing for nothing but sound.

(who overwrites everything anyway, music for image being no exception...)

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