Stravinsky had a dudka in mind...he designed the opening solo to depict the sounds of the graceful reed pipe that is most often associated with music played by shepherds. "The orchestral introduction is a swarm of spring pipes (dudki)" (Stravinsky 15 december, 1912).

The first solo in Sacre du Printemps was played by Abdon Laus. Robert Craft mentions it in his monumental "Stravinsky in pictures and document". Laus did receive his Ist prize from Paris Conservatory ca. 1910, - later when Mr. Monteux had a first bassoon vacancy in Boston, he received a phone call from a bassoon player who said, "Maestro, I hear you are looking for a first bassoonist. I was your first bassoonist in the Ballet Russe, and I would like to play for you in Boston." Laus was given the job then and there. He was also the solo saxophonist. If you can find a recording made before 1937 with the Boston symphony orchestra and Sacre, it is probably Abdon Laus that play the solo.

Besides, Stravinsky preferred the beginning to sound "nice". But he was also aware that it also could be played "frightful".

Ole Buck

On Jun 24, 2007, at 12:46 AM, Daniel Wolf wrote:

John Howell wrote:

"As Andrew kindly pointed out, that bassoon altissimo E was possible on the bassoons of the time, but was hardly standard usage!! "

I have a question about the bassoon in Le Sacre: does anyone have a strong opinion as to whether the instrument Stravinsky had in mind was a French or German-style instrument? My old Monteux recording -- for all its faults, still the sonic image of Le Sacre I carry around with me -- definitely has a French Basson, with its characterist articulation and the contrasts between registers rather more pronounced than on a German instrument. That said, is this now a matter of historical performance practice? do some players play both styles of bassoon, choosing the particular instrument to fit the repertoire?

Daniel Wolf

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