At 11:14 AM 6/26/2007 -0400, Christopher Smith wrote:
>But you can imitate drag and drop by selecting the passage, then  
>scroll to the target measure and opt-click (on Mac that is. On PC it  
>might be alt-click)

I had totally forgotten this function. It's CTL-click, but it does work
exactly the same way, opening up the "how many times?" dialog box.

Excellent, thank you.

>You could also open another window of the same document (under  
>Window>New Window) and drag and drop between the two windows.

That does *not* work, and has the same failure mode -- that is, the things
that won't copy/paste also won't drag/drop between documents.

>You might discover that copy-paste (or drag-drop) also work funny  
>when independent key signature is selected. You never know exactly  
>what pitches are going to show up in the copied passage.

Interesting. So far, that part seems to work. It messes up accidentals, but
those are fixable.


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