If the source measure is in "independent time" too, you should also uncheck the Independent Time in the source staff before copying and all be fine.

You will excuse me for any typo's due to a visual handicap

Op 26-jun-07, om 17:28 heeft Dennis Bathory-Kitsz het volgende geschreven:

At 04:50 PM 6/26/2007 +0200, Hans Swinnen wrote:
There's a solution:
Paste in your standard time and change your time sig afterwards to
E.g. if your main time is 3/4 and you would paste a 9/8 content:
paste the content in 3/4 and then change the appropriate measure to
9/8. It works!
It's not necessary to avoid clicking "Independent" before pasting in
the Staff Tool.

Hi Hans,

Thanks for the suggestions. Normally, this sort of thing works as you

But this score has all independent time signatures to start with (and they

The problem is not copy/paste to different time signatures. Copy/ paste is not working for the *same* time signature. That is, copying measure #1 part #1 in 4/4 to measure #100 part #1 in 4/4 comes up empty. It seems nothing
is copied. (It also happens with a clip file.)

On the the other hand -- and this is the mysterious part -- copying or
inserting (say) measure #1 part #3 (which is in 5/4 at the start) to any other part or measure or time signature does work, even if it doesn't "fit"
in the measure properly.

In other words, things aren't copying properly. The pasting seems to be


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