At 06:37 PM 7/5/2007 -0400, David W. Fenton wrote:
>On 5 Jul 2007 at 17:37, Andrew Stiller wrote:
>> A particularly common circumstance for me is if I have inadvertently
>> omitted a bar in one part, I often don't discover it until 10-20 bars
>> later. To make room for the omitted bar, I enter extra rests at the
>> end of the bar preceding, then tell Finale to shove everything down
>> the line. That's when any post-beat graces get transferred.
>But that's *exactly* why it's happening -- you're restranscribing the 
>input, and that's why it ends up somewhere you don't want it.

I think David's right.

The regular drag-and-drop won't overlap itself, so when that kind of
left-out measure happens to me (often enough!), I create a quick scratch
staff at the bottom, mass-edit drag-and-drop the group down to it,
drag-and-drop it back up with one measure offset, and delete the scratch
staff. So long as auto-update layout is turned off, it doesn't bother
anything else doing it that way, all all grace notes are preserved.


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