Fisher, Allen wrote:
| I thought the PDF files worked just fine for Finale's On-Line | Documentation, and am bewildered as to why they would change.

The new online documentation is now *much* more than the user manual
used to be. In pre-2008 help, there were at least 3 places to get

1. Tutorial manual
2. PDF's
3. Context help.

We moved to this html-based system to have a single source for all of
our help. It's much easier to update, and things have also been
reorganized so that you can easily get to the right information faster.
The search is much more complete, and information is a lot easier to
find. If you hit F1 in the app (or click a help button) you now get the
full entry on a particular item with links to related content, not just
an overview with a link to a PDF which opens acrobat reader (which takes
a long time on my machines).

Please tell support that you want to use something other than IE.

It sounds like a more complete system, but when I am looking up something in the reference I don't care about the tutorials, and it remains to be seen if I am interested in the context help as opposed to the full reference.

I find that opening IE (or any browser) on my computer takes just as long as acrobat reader, so there's certainly no time saving there, and my machine is old enough that I certainly won't keep two browsers open at once, and I would never keep IE open, so everytime I want help it will take just as long as calling up the PDF file.

I am surprised that the end users, in a browser-rich computing world, should have to petition tech-support to be able to have a choice of which browser for the help files.

Needless to say, even though I haven't received my Finale2008 upgrade yet I will immediately go to the web-site and register my request for user-selectable browser.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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