Hi Darcy,

This choice has migrated to the Page Layout menu - where I am not used to looking for it, and the dialog is less clear than it might be. (I used to catch that in the new versions because it was placed more visibly. I don't remember exactly where, but i do remember seeing it as a check box and turning it off.) Now it seems you have to choose by going in and selecting various parts and on which to apply it. It's a little hidden. Nevertheless, it didn't seem to be "on" on any of the parts when I went to select the ones on which to apply it. So I don't think that was the problem.

I just saved the score with another name - after making sure no parts were selected for even spacing, created new parts, and the result was the same.

Any more ideas?

At least I can duplicate this reliably. I'll put the file where you can download it, if you (or anyone else) want(s) to take a look. You'll have to generate new parts to see what happens.




On Jul 14, 2007, at 8:38 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

Hey Chuck,

Do you by any chance have "space systems evenly" checked?


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 14 Jul 2007, at 10:56 PM, Chuck Israels wrote:

Has anyone else experienced the parts layout definition not working in linked parts?

In a couple documents made from templates made from 2k7 documents, defining the distance between staves in the Page Format for Parts dialog turns into a much smaller value in the part. Easy enough to re-define in the part, but it seems like a bug to me. It's happened a few times, so either I'm missing something, or it's a bug.

Anyone else?



Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
Bellingham, WA 98225-5836
phone (360) 671-3402
fax (360) 676-6055

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Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
Bellingham, WA 98225-5836
phone (360) 671-3402
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