Maybe it's because I migrated from Motu's Composer & Mosaic (did the switch to 
Finale 2007 about a year ago); however, I found Simple entry to be my method of 
choice. The only reason I ever use Speedy is to get to features that weren't 
available with Simple or to perform actions (e.g. moving notes up & down) in a 
more reliable way.

Here's how I work:

1) I compose with pen & paper and my sketches tend to look like a war zone 
because of all the changes/scribbling.

2) After the music is written, I enter all the notes in Finale using the 
keyboard and mouse. i.e. I press the keyboard for the note value, rest or 
accidental & click it in with the mouse. Accurate. Here's how I enter: 

Using QuicKeys, I have assigned the following values to the keyboard:
d quarter note
s half
a whole
e eighth
w sixteenth... you get the idea. Note: for rests, I select shift & the letter 
(value of note)
For sharps, flats & naturals, I use the g, t & b key. So I have a logic to all 

Re: enharmonic changes
With FInale 2007, I often found myself hitting the QuicKey assigned macro for 
transpose and going up or down the required interval. It worked.

I am very much looking forward to the copy & paste functions within Simple 
Entry. I have found it difficutl to select the second half of beats for copy 
with Mass Edit and am hoping the new approach (for me an old one) makes things 


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