I dunno, but a mental image of David Fenton as an easter bunny kind of strikes me as funny! (no offence, David!)

This whole thing has gotten somewhat out of hand. I regret some of what I have said as well, not because I think I was wrong, but because it might prevent some confused person in need of help from asking questions for fear of being publicly spanked. We can deal with an occasional repeated question once in a while, I think, with grace and good etiquette. (I know I've needed a reminder once in a while!) If someone oversteps the boundaries, a polite word is all that is required. There is no need to resort to flames and foul language, as it lowers the otherwise civilized tone of one of the most valuable aspects of the internet - a public, unmoderated information pool. If I were an anarchist, I would point to this list as an example of what a group of otherwise unrelated people can achieve with no rules aside from adhering to basic social niceties.


On Aug 7, 2007, at 2:23 PM, Raymond Horton wrote:

What is your point?  <g>

Paul Davies wrote:
It's rabbits that get myxomatosis!

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