If all else fails, go to the menu where you set up the Page Layout for
Parts/Score (not under the File menu; I'm at work and can't remember which
menu this falls under; it's the same one as you find Document
Options), set all the parameters for the Score, then peform a
 Redefine All Pages which will wipe out all the existing page layout
info (excepting any System Locks, which it will retain.) Then, do an
Update, and hopefully, you will have the solution.

> Hi,
Christopher. I've tried the (Adjust) Edit Systems fix (WinFin06' XP) 
> you recommended but it has not worked, alas. I've noticed that on
> problem pages the system handles extend well beyond the
bottom of the page 
> to about 32". I can't find a way to
click/drag/edit/cajole/threaten the 
> handles back into place.
All of this takes place on systems 34-54. 
> System 
> 33,
as you suggested, was used to edit through the end of the piece but to 
> no avail. I'm sure it's something I've screwed up inadvertantly.
> for your patience and help. 
> Bruce
> ----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christopher Smith"
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 1:42 PM

> Subject: Re: [Finale] RE: Size 
>> On Aug 23, 2007, at 3:57 PM, Bruce E. Clausen
>>> Another version of yesterday's
problem. Regarding yesterday, I had to 
>>> re-adjust the
right system margins page by page, but at least I got 
things back to normal. 
>> Ooh, you don't have
to do it individually! If you select Adjust System 
>> Margins
from the Page Layout menu, then click on a system you like the 
>> settings for, then in the Adjust System Margins window select
>> [insert system number] to _ [leave it blank to
go to the end of the 
>> document]" and hit Apply. All the
systems will inherit the settings of 
>> the one you first
clicked on. If you only want some settings applied, 
>> then
make sure only those boxes are checked. 
>>> However, if I try to adjust the pages with % Tool the
measures of the 
>>> final pages again are grossly
>> I STRONGLY suggest that you don't
use the % tool for resizing pages. 
>> Use 
>> the
tool to resize systems instead, by clicking between the clefs of 
>> two 
>> staves. This will preserve the size and
position of all your titles and 
>> other page-attached stuff,
and greatly simplify your life in other 
>> ways. 
>> there are 4 ways to use the % tool 
>> 1. click a note to resize it. 
>> 2 click a staff
(usually on the clef) to resize it 
>> 3 click between the
clefs of two staves in the same system to resize 
>> the 
>> system USE THIS ONE 
>> 4 click in the margin of a
page to resize it. 
>> You often get a dialogue
box asking you the range you want to resize. 
>> Leave the
second field blank to go to the end of the document. 
>>> I can't seem to find a fix. I have a hunch
that the problem relates 
>>> to 
>>> the fact
that the complete score file was put together from three 
>>> smaller files for the individual movements. 

>> Yes, all the original settings were preserved when you
glued the works 
>> together. 
>>> But, I have no idea how to fix it. 
>> See my advice about resizing system margins and the resize
tool. Two 
>> steps to make your entire score the same top to
>> Christopher 
>> Finale
mailing list 
>> Finale@shsu.edu 

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