Kim Patrick Clow wrote:

[re a greek word in a baroque score]
> What does the Greek symbol and word mean?

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

Looks like psi, with the full word reading psalmos (psalm).

Exactly so!

But consideration of the meaning of 'psalmos' has long pricked my musicolgical curiosity. Perhaps some members of this list, more informed of liturgical practice than me, can satisfy it.

I should explain that in its full sense 'psalmos' does not specifically denote a biblical text or the musical setting of the same; but more generally denotes a mode of musical performance; and when applied to text referred to a text which was to be sung; and sung most specifically with the accompaniment of a harp.

My classical greek lexicon explains 'psalmos' in these terms
1.    a pulling or twanging of musical strings with the fingers;
2.    a strain or burst of music;
      later meaning, a song sung to a stringed instrument; a psalm.

A closely related word is 'psalma' meaning explicitly a tune played on a stringed instrument.

Another relative is 'psalter' meaning a harp player

These words derive from a verb 'psallo' meaning, iner alia,
      to pull and let go again, to pull, twang with the fingers;
      to play a stringed instrument with the fingers instead of with the
      later meaning, to sing to a harp.

The liturgical tradition with which I am familiar does not include the use of the harp; but, faced with this lexical evidence, I think I am entitled to conclude that the depiction of angels playing harps is not merely a charming painter's whim but a clear reference to an ancient tradition of liturgical practice.

Assuming the harp did have its place in liturgy, I am curious as to
a) whether there are any extant religious traditions (Christian or otherwise) in which the use of the harp remains an essential part of liturgical practice; and
b) in the cases where it is no longer used, when and why did its use cease.

Kenneth K

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