You are having the same problem I was having when I
installed Fin2K7 on my Mac; I still had installed (and was still using)
Fin 2k6, and something in the installation of 2K7 screwed with the
registration for each app, because whichever version I used last seemed to
be overwriting the registration for the other. Each time I
launched, I would get the prompt to register, and each time I would
register, and then launch the other version, I would get the prompt again.
This went on for weeks, (along with other GPO & JABB glitches,
freezes, crashes, non-access to the full versions of the Garritan
libraries) even though I was in daily communications with MM to solve the
issues. I finally resolved my problems with 2K7 by not using it at all.
I'm still running 2K6 successfully with almost no problems (using GPO and
JABB, full versions). The few documents I created with 2K7, I printed out
and re-entered in 2K6. Not a pretty or acceptable solution, but I have
been able to keep working while I watch this FInale list and see all the
anomolies others are reporting about 2K7 and 2K8. 

> Hello
> Ok. This has been frustrating me for weeks now, and I
decided to try 
> and get to the bottom of it. I have Finale 2007b
(Win) and every time I 
> boot the program I get a message telling
me that my trial period is 
> finished and I need to register
using the app in application folder. The 
> title bar for this
dialog box is "Finale GPO". 
> I have searched the
Makemusic site, and the only answer I can find is to 
> download a
new Kontakt player that doesn't need this registration (It is 
originally for 2006). I have downloaded same, but to no effect. 
The complicating fact is that I own GPO (Full), Big Band (Full) _and_ 
> the Strad package. I can't get these to work well together at all
> the Kontakt 2.0 update, but that may be a problem for
> What I want is to get my Finale GPO sounds back (Finale
is used for 
> scoring, Nuendo is for making with the pretty
> Has anyone had a similar problem, or can hint at a
> Thanks very much 
Bruce Petherick 
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