Just a few I've experienced:

Editing text jumps it around the page
The Panorama view during playback gets green lines all over it.
Page setup doesn't stay changed. You can change margins, page size, etc. and it goes right back after dismissing the dialog
Crashes on Quit
Instruments not playing back - something goes wrong with the mixer

Those are a few off the top of my head

This is on an Intel Macbook pro

I'm sure the bugs will get fixed in a maintenance update, but for now I'm not using version 5 and actually have been using Finale quite a bit lately

On Sep 28, 2007, at 3:05 PM, dc wrote:

Jeff Tanner écrit:
I have to say that the new version 5 Sibelius is one of the buggiest
they've put out too - so much that I'm not using it.

I didn't get that impression from the Sibelius list. What are the major bugs?


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